The Better Business Bureau is an excellent source for unbiased information on roofing companies. If you are not familiar with how works, this article will tell you everything you need to know about locating a roofer and conducting your own investigation into a Shawnee roofing company’s credentials.
I get all kinds of questions as an experienced Shawnee Mission rooferand I’m happy to answer them here. It’s all in a day’s work, really. Ten years ago, no one would have asked, “What color shingle should I choose from my roof?” Back then, you would simply choose the color that matched your house — brown or grey, typically. Modern architectural shingles come in all sorts of aesthetics nowadays, so understandably, it can be difficult to select the best color.
Here are a few areas I tell local homeowners to consider …
In a cash-strapped economy, scam artists are having a real field day, according to the Better Business Bureau. Rounding out the “Top 10 Most-Complained-About Businesses” are:
Collection Agencies
Auto Repair & Service
General Contractors
Auto Dealers
Telephone Companies
Publishers Directory & Guide
Furniture – Retail
Internet Services
Roofing Contractors
Roofing contractors receive more than 7,000 complaints each year on average, but 2010 saw a 40 percent increase in filings.Consider that one company — American Shingle — received 1,000 complaints before filing for bankruptcy! This is simply unacceptable, but until greater oversight becomes standard and legislation is passed, we aren’t likely to see the number of Shawnee Mission roofingscam artists decrease. Did you know that Kansas is one of just five states who require absolutely NO regulation of new roofing companies?
Eclipse Shawnee Mission roofing is pleased to be a local gutter protection system installer. Some gutter guards are made of aluminum, while others may be made of sturdy netting. The basic premise is to let rain water drain down off the roof, as it’s designed to, but keep sticks, leaves, pine cones and other debris out. Our attentive service and high-quality workmanship set us apart from the competition. Continue reading to learn more about the damage clogged gutters can do…
Overland Park Roofing Contractor Eclipse Roofing, inc. Earns Coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award for the sixth consecutive year.Award reflects company’s consistently high level of customer service Eclipse Roofing, inc. has been awarded the prestigious 2010 Angie’s List Super Service Award, an honor bestowed annually on approximately 5 percent of all the companies rated on the nation’s leading provider of consumer reviews on local service companies. “Our Super Service Award winners are the cream of the crop when it comes to providing consistently high quality customer service, as judged by the customers who hired them,” said Angie Hicks, founder of Angie’s List. Eclipse Roofing, Inc. is a residential roofing company that specializes in pitched roof applications. We work all over the Kansas City metro area on existing and new construction homes. Jeff Pendergraft started Eclipse Roofing, Inc. in January 2003 after working for four years in the roofing industry for another local company. Eclipse Roofing has built its reputation on a consistent referral business of satisfied customers. We have received the Super Service Award from Angie’s List for five of the last six years. Jeff lives in Overland Park with his wife Mindi and three children, Audrey, Hank and Ruby. Angie’s List Super Service Award winners have met strict eligibility requirements including earning a minimum number of reports, an exemplary rating from their customers and abiding by Angie’s List operational guidelines. Service company ratings are updated daily on Angie’s List,but members can find the 2010 Super Service Award logo next to company names in search results on
Angie’s List collects consumer reviews on local contractors and doctors in more than 500 service categories. Currently, more than 1 million consumers across the U.S. rely on Angie’s List to help them make the best hiring decisions. Members get unlimited access to local ratings via Internet or phone, exclusive discounts, the Angie’s List magazine and help from the Angie’s List complaint resolution service. Take a quick tour of Angie’s List and view the latest Angie’s List news.